Universitet Ta'lim Ilmiy-innovatsion faoliyat
Xalqaro faoliyat Talabalar hayoti Qabul 2024 SDG
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At Tashkent state university of law we are committed to recruiting, retaining and recognising a high-performing workforce through pay and reward structures that: 

  • Are fair and consistent
  • Reward contribution, achievement, knowledge and experience
  • Support the achievement of equal pay for work of equal value
  • Provide for salary and career progression to attract, retain and motivate staff
  • Recognise and reward excellence.

Each role falls into an appropriate grade within the National Single Pay Spine and staff are appointed in accordance with the skills and experience they bring.

Progression opportunities

Progression opportunities within the grades are provided via our relevant pay progression schemes, operated annually with the aim to recognise and reward contribution.

By the order of the rector of Tashkent State Law University No. 08-108 of June 16, 2020, the formation of a special fund for financial incentives for management, professors, teachers, scientific, educational, technical and service staff of Tashkent State Law University and the regulation on the procedure for using them for financial incentives was approved.

The amount of fixed monthly allowances is as follows:

·      up to 200 percent of the salary of professors and teachers;

·      up to 300 percent of the salary of the rector, management, scientific, educational, technical and service staff.

Bonuses will not be paid for a month in which employees are absent from work for a total of five consecutive working days for valid or unexcused reasons. When an employee's period of continuous absence from work passes from one month to another, the periods are counted together and no bonus is paid for the month in which the employee was employed.






Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 13, 2021 No. PF-6260


Positions of young professionals who have graduated from foreign higher education institutions (bachelor's, master's) included in the top 500 list of prestigious international rating organizations operating in state bodies, organizations and institutions or have received a scientific degree (PhD or other equivalent scientific degree) additional allowances paid to the salary


Place in the international ranking

The amount of allowances

(equal to the base calculation amount)





Academic degree

(PhD and equivalent

other degree)

1 — 100




101 — 300




301 — 500




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