As you know, the Presidential Decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 24, 2024, titled “On Increasing the Responsibility of Justice Bodies and Institutions and Establishing a Streamlined Management System Within the Framework of Administrative Reforms,” stipulates the introduction of the "School–Lyceum–Technical School–University" system for training legal professionals by organizing “Law Classes” and teaching legal subjects in-depth in schools.
To this end, legal literacy lessons are currently being held across various regions with the participation of instructors from Tashkent State University of Law, aimed at ensuring the continuity of legal education and improving the legal culture of minors and youth.
During these lessons conducted in general education schools across Ferghana region, students are provided with valuable insights on the role of legal culture and literacy in every individual’s life, as well as guidance on properly and effectively exercising their rights.
Legal literacy lessons are ongoing.