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Department of Intellectual Property Law


Our motto: «Knowledge and Development»


Our mission

The Department of Intellectual Property Law is one of the young departments of the university, which conducts training and scientific activities in 4 areas: «Intellectual Property Law», «Copyright and Related Rights», «Patent Law», «Cyber Law».

We are aimed at a full-fledged study of intellectual property rights of the process associated with virtualization in the world and in our country, and issues of intellectual property protection, studying international experience and various regulatory documents in this area. Currently, in this area we are closely cooperating with the World Intellectual Property Organization, the Supreme Court, the Intellectual Property Agency under the Ministry of Justice, the Center for Advanced Studies of Lawyers under the Ministry of Justice, lawyers' associations, higher educational and research institutions of the republic.

Our tasks:

- creation of new educational literature on intellectual property law and organization of training sessions using modern pedagogical technologies

- carrying out research works on topical issues of intellectual property rights;

- formation of knowledge and skills of students in the field of intellectual property law and increasing their interest in this area, organizing the activities of scientific circles;

- participation in increasing respect for intellectual property among the population and legal culture in this area.

Our department supports the aspirations of university researchers and fulfills its mission through a range of tasks. We:

- study, research and give knowledge in such disciplines as «Intellectual Property Law», «International Intellectual Property Law», «Cyber Law», «Patent Law», «Copyright and Related Rights», «Intellectual Property Dispute Resolution», «System of contracts in the field of intellectual property», «Media law»;

- develop skills of comparative, analytical and logical thinking in subjects related to intellectual property law;

- develop skills in the practical application of legal norms regarding intellectual property law;

- create opportunities for young people for independent education and the application of theoretical knowledge in practice.


Our disciplines:

Bachelor’s program - 2 disciplines:

- Intellectual property law (basic);

- Cyber law (elective).

Master’s program - 6 disciplines:

- International intellectual property law (basic);

- Patent law (basic);

- Resolution of disputes in the field of intellectual property (basic);

- System of contracts in the field of intellectual property (basic);

- Cyber law (basic);

- Media law (basic);

- Copyright and related rights (elective).


Scientific potential

Since the beginning of the 2021/2022 academic year, 4 doctors of philosophy (PhD) have been operating at the department.

Currently, the teaching staff of the department conducts scientific and practical research on the topics «Civil law regulation of social networks and relations in them», «Improvement of collective management of property rights in copyright», «Improvement of civil law foundations of copyright protection in telecommunications networks», «Problems of digitalization and improvement of the legal foundations of international arbitration», «Improvement of the institute for assessing the regulatory impact of draft legislative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan on entrepreneurial activity», «Legal basis for countering counterfeit and parallel import».


Publications by the department in 2019-2020:

- 15 scientific works, including 12 monographs and 3 scientific and journalistic brochures;

- more than 60 scientific articles;

- 5 articles in the «Scopus» database.

Also held;

- 2 international;

- 2 republican scientific conferences and round tables.


Our programs and projects:

The department has 2 scientific circles:

1. Circle «Digital Intellectual Property Law (DIPL)». In the circle, students conduct research on the role of intellectual property in the development of information and communication technologies.

2. Circle «IP & WTO_scientific_circle». In the circle, students conduct research on the role of intellectual property in joining the World Trade Organization.


Teaching staff

Our teachers are constantly working on themselves, improving their skills and knowledge, improving their qualifications, exchanging experience with colleagues from foreign countries.

Today the department has 4 doctors of philosophy (PhD) and 2 teachers. In order to ensure the combination of theory and practice among students on an ongoing basis, we involve lawyers and practitioners in the educational process to conduct master classes.

The teachers of our department are the authors of 2 textbook, 12 monographs and 2 handbooks.

Also, 2 independent applicants participate in the educational and methodological process.


Our employees

Khujayev Shokhjakhon Akmaljon ugli

Head of Department, Doctor of Philosophy in Law Sciences

Yakubova Iroda Bakhramovna

Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy in Law Sciences

Yuldashov Abdumumin Abdugopirovich

T.a. associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy in Law Sciences

Bakhramova Mokhinur Bakhramovna

Senior teacher, Doctor of Philosophy in Law Sciences

Mukumov Bobur Meliboy ugli


Rakhmonova Mokhichehra Nodirbek kizi


Turakulova Nazira Abdushukur qizi

Head of the cabinet


Consultation schedule


Full name

Consultation time



Head of the department

Khujayev Sh.A.





Associate Professor

Yakubova I.B.





T.a. associate Professor

Yuldashov A.A.





Senior teacher

Bakhramova M.B.

Wednesday 10.00-12.00




Muqumov B.M.






Rakhmonova M.N.





Our contacts

Department address:

Tashkent city, street Sayilgoh, 35, educational building No. 1, office No. 118

Tel: 233-66-36 (1134)

Email address: