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Oʼzbekcha Русский
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Department of Criminal Law, Criminology and Anti-Corruption

Our motto: Power is in justice

Our goal: to train highly qualified legal personnel with modern knowledge and independent thinking, to use scientific and innovative potential with full mobilization of scientific and intellectual resources, to raise scientific potential to a qualitatively new level and to create a new generation textbooks that meet modern requirements, to create recognized scientific schools of criminal law through the establishment of a mentor-student system.

Our tasks (the main tasks are listed):

organization of the educational process on the basis of modern forms and methods of teaching in accordance with the credit-modular system, as well as on the basis of innovative pedagogical and information technologies, training of highly qualified legal personnel that meet modern international standards, taking into account the needs of the labor market;

increasing the scientific potential of the department, broad involvement of young people in scientific activities, coordination of research and innovation activities, involvement in research projects and ensuring the interdependence of education and science;

increasing the spiritual and moral education of students, educating them in the spirit of responsibility to society and the state, instilling in them the principles of humanity, interethnic harmony, justice, honesty, the rule of law;

expanding international cooperation, attracting leading foreign specialists to educational and research activities, organizing work on academic exchange of students and teachers;

analysis of the quality of education and its improvement, as well as the effective organization of other organizational and methodological measures.

Our sciences:

There are 5 subjects in the bachelor's degree:

- Criminal law;

- Administrative responsibility;

- Criminal-executive law;

- Criminology;

- Anti-corruption and compliance control.

There are 4 subjects in master's degree:

- Qualification of corruption and economic crimes;

- Prospects of criminal law policy;

- Criminal punishment and its appointment;

- Problems of qualification of crimes;

Scientific potential - 64%

In 2018-2021, the department published:

- 8 textbooks and teaching aids, 19 monographs, more than 100 scientific articles, of which 15 scientific articles in the databases "Web of Science", "Scopus", more than 200 master classes were held.

In addition, conferences and round tables were held: 10 international; 43 republican.

Our programs and projects: (The list can, if possible, be divided into two. Name of the program, project and clubs, their goals and objectives, as well as a brief description of their activities)

At this time, the department has two scientific circles:

1) “Anti-corruption and compliance”, the purpose of the scientific circle is to study issues related to the prevention of corruption offenses and the introduction of an anti-corruption system of compliance control in conjunction with practice. In the current academic year, a number of events were  held within the circle. The number of registered members of the circle has reached 20, and the number of subscribers on the Telegram channel has reached 570 members.

2) "Criminologist and I", the activities of the scientific circle are mainly focused on in-depth training in such subjects as criminal law, criminal-executive law and criminology. The study of these subjects is  focused on the organization of teaching in the relationship between theory and practice, as well as training within the Legal Clinic. The number of registered members of the circle has reached 30, and the number of Telegram channel subscribers - 350.

Teaching staff:

Today, the department has 2 professors and 3 associate professors, 3 senior teachers and 15 teachers. We regularly organize master classes with the participation of judges and experts in the field, as well as foreign experts in order to ensure the harmony of theory and practice in students.

In addition, 26 independent students and 3 doctoral students are involved in the educational process.

Our staff:

Khakimov Komil Baxtiyarovich 

Acting head of the Department, docent ,PhD

Zufarov Rustam Akhmedovich

Professor, J.D.

Urazaliev Murodbek Koraevich 

Professor, J.D.

Niyozova Salomat Saparovna

Acting Professor, J.D.

Abzalova Khurshida Mirziyatovna

Docent, J.D.

Khaydarov Shukhratjon Djumaevich

Docent, J.D.

Ermatov Gayratjon Okmirzaevich

Acting Associate Professor, PhD

Allanova Azizakhon Avazkhonovna

Acting Associate Professor, PhD

Altiev Razzoq Saidovich

Acting Associate Professor, PhD

Fazilov Farkhod Maratovich

Acting Associate Professor, PhD

Khudaykulov Feruzbek Khurramovich

Acting Associate Professor, PhD

Kurbanov Ma’rufjon Mamadaminovich

Acting Associate Professor , PhD

Rozimova Kunduz Yuldashevna

head teacher, PhD

Sunnatov Vokhid Tashmurodovich

head teacher, PhD

Eshquvatov Bobomurod Abror o’gli 


Khojiev Nosirjon Komilovich


Mamajanov Abrorbek Mirabdullaevich


Muhamadaliyev Elmurod Dilmurаdovich


Otaboyev Bobur Ibrat o’g’li 


Rakhimjonova Nargizakhon Rakhimjonovna


Consultation days of professors and lecturers of the department:


Full name

Consultation time


Acting head of the Department, docen, PhD

Khakimov Komil Baxtiyarovich

Tuesday 9.00-12.00


Professor, J.D.

Zufarov Rustam Akhmedovich

Tuesday 9.00-12.00


Professor, J.D.

Urazaliev Murodbek Koraevich

Monday 9.00-12.00


Acting Professor, J.D.

Niyozova Salomat Saparovna

Tuesday 9.00-12.00


Docent, J.D.

Abzalova Khurshida Mirziyatovna

Thursday 9.00-12.00


Docent, J.D.

Khaydarov Shukhratjon Djumaevich

Thursday 9.00-12.00


Acting Associate Professor, PhD

Ermatov Gayratjon Okmirzaevich

Tuesday 9.00-12.00


Acting Associate Professor, PhD

Allanova Azizakhon Avazkhonovna

Monday 9.00-12.00


Acting Associate Professor, PhD

Altiev Razzoq Saidovich

Tuesday 9.00-12.00


Acting Associate Professor, PhD

Fazilov Farkhod Maratovich

Friday 9.00-12.00


Acting Associate Professor, PhD

Khudaykulov Feruzbek Khurramovich

Tuesday 9.00-12.00


Docent ,PhD

Kurbanov Ma’rufjon Mamadaminovich

Tuesday 9.00-12.00


head teacher,PhD

Rozimova Kunduz Yuldashevna

Wednesday 9.00-12.00


head teacher,PhD

Sunnatov Vokhid Tashmurodovich

Tuesday 9.00-12.00



Eshquvatov Bobomurod Abror o’gli

Friday 9.00-12.00



Khojiev Nosirjon Komilovich

Monday 9.00-12.00



Mamajanov Abrorbek Mirabdullaevich

Tuesday 9.00-12.00



Muhamadaliyev Elmurod Dilmurаdovich

Thursday 9.00-12.00



Otaboyev Bobur Ibrat o’g’li

Tuesday 9.00-12.00



Rakhimjonova Nargizakhon Rakhimjonovna

Monday 9.00-12.00



Shamsidinov Zayniddin Ziyovidinovich

Monday 9.00-12.00



Turabaeva Ziyoda Yakubovna



Our address:

Tashkent city, Sayilgoh street, 35, TSUL, 1st academic building, Room 106; 107; 113

Contact phone number: Tel: 233-66-36, 1056 (internal)

E-mail: www.criminal