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Oʼzbekcha Русский
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Department of Uzbek Language and Literature


Our motto: Language and Literature – a tool of the lawyer's thinking

Our goal:

The Department is the only structural unit that conducts educational, spiritual and research work on the issues of language and law, improving the prestige and status of the state language, compatibility of literature and law.

One of the important goals of the department is to conduct research in the field of legal linguistics, which is the link between jurisprudence and philology, in particular, the issues of legal language, the creation of a thesaurus of legal terms, the formation of written legal speech, law and literature.

Work is being carried out to increase the prestige and status of the Uzbek language as the state language, and the experience of developed countries is being studied.


Subjects taught:

Subjects taught in the Bachelor's degree program:

- Legal skills and methodology

- Office work in the state language

Subjects taught in Master's degree programs:

- Teaching of legal disciplines/pedagogical practice

- Office work in the state language


Scientific potential:

At the department in the period from 2020 to 2021, it was published:

monographs – 2;

scientific articles – 32;

articles published in the Scopus – 14 database.

Also, the staff of the department actively participated in 5 national and 14 international conferences and round tables.

 General information about the Department's clubs:

1. Scientific circle "Law, literature and public speaking".

The main goal of this circle is to develop students ' oratory skills and the ability to speak intelligently and beautifully in public, to increase their vocabulary by reading works of literature. The head of the circle is the head of the department N. Ramazonov.

2. Scientific and educational circle "Yuritor".

The main goal of the club is to develop students ' oral and written speech skills, aimed at in-depth study of educational material, education of the need and ability to constantly improve their knowledge, attracting students to participate in the work of the club, organizing and conducting student speeches at meetings, scientific seminars, etc. The head of the circle is a teacher of the department A. Fattahova.

3. Creative circle "Lawyer-creator".

The main goal of the club is to support creative young people studying law, reading and analyzing creative works, developing creative abilities, as well as to promote the development of their curiosity and critical thinking, collecting and publishing scientific works of young lawyers. The head of the circle is Associate professor of the department N. Bozorova.

4. Scientific and educational circle "Jurislinguistics".

The main goal of the club is to develop students ' skills of understanding and composing legal texts, writing through legal terms, and increasing the prestige and status of the state language. The head of the circle is the teacher of the department O. Choriev.

Tasks of the Department:

The Department is actively involved in the educational, spiritual, educational and research work of the university and performs a number of specific functions by industry. In particular,

educational activity-organization of educational work on the formation of highly qualified specialists in the areas of law with deep knowledge in the field of language and literature, with developed oral and written speech, able to promote their ideas and goals for the future, using modern innovative forms and methods of the modular system, as well as pedagogical and information and communication technologies;

scientific and methodological activity-development of the scientific and methodological base of the educational process, provision of educational and methodological materials, application in practice of modern technologies aimed at improving the quality and efficiency of the labor productivity of the teaching staff and the educational process;

research activity-complex scientific work and introduction into the educational process of the results of scientific research in priority areas of the development of science, taking into account foreign experience;

 organizational and methodological activity-assessment of the quality of education, its analysis, as well as the effective organization of other organizational and methodological work;

spiritual, moral and educational work-to promote the spiritual, intellectual, physical and moral development of students in the spirit of patriotism, citizenship, tolerance, respect for the law, national and universal values, resistance to harmful influences and trends, a firm belief in real life, a sense of responsibility to the state and society, understanding the criteria of humanity, interethnic harmony and justice;

retraining and advanced training of lawyers and teachers, in the areas of their internship – retraining and advanced training of lawyers and teachers with high pedagogical skills that meet modern international standards, performing specific targeted work on internships.

Teaching staff:

Teachers of the department constantly work on themselves, exchange experience with foreign colleagues, improving their knowledge and skills. When teaching, our teachers use the most advanced educational technologies, interactive methods and techniques that contribute to the deepening of students ' knowledge.


To date, the department employs: 2 professors, 6 associate professors, 2 senior teachers, 2 teachers.

Department staff:

Ramazonov Nodir Normurodovich – Head of the Department, Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences (Phd), Acting Associate Professor.

Dildarkhon Urinbayevna Khashimova Professor of the Department, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences.

Kuchimov Shukhrat Norkizilovich Acting Professor of the Department, Doctor of Philology.

Gulnora Gulyamova Associate Professor of the Department, candidate of philological sciences.

Rasulmukhamedova Durdona Tulkunzhonovna Associate Professor of the Department, candidate of philological sciences.

Nasiba Zhurabekovna Niyazova Acting Associate Professor of the Department, candidate of pedagogical Sciences.

Ziyamukhamedova Shakhnoza Tolkunovna Acting Associate Professor of the Department.

Bozorova Nasiba Pulotzhonovna Acting Associate Professor of the Department, candidate of philological sciences.

Pulatova Umida Ramazonovna Senior lecturer of the Department.

Matenov Rashid Bekimbetovich Senior lecturer of the Department.

Fattakhova Amina Rustamovna teacher of the department.

Choriev Orifjon Abdisobirovich – teacher of the department.

Consultation days


Full name

Time of consultation

Location of the consultation


Head of the Department

Ramazonov Nodir Normurodovich




Professor of the Department

Khashimova Dildarkhon Urinbayevna




Acting Professor of the Department

Kuchimov Shukhrat Norkizilovich




Associate Professor of the Department

Gulyamova Gulnora Yakubovna




Associate Professor of the Department

Rasulmukhamedova Durdona Tulkunzhonovna




Acting Associate Professor of the Department

Bozorova Nasiba Pulotzhonovna




Acting Associate Professor of the Department

Nasiba Zhurabekovna Niyazova




Acting Associate Professor of the Department

Ziyamukhamedova Shakhnoza Tolkunovna




Senior lecturer of the department

Pulatova Umida Ramazonovna




Senior lecturer of the department

Rashid Bekimbetovich Matenov




Teacher of the department

Fattakhova Amina Rustamovna




Teacher of the department

Choriev Orifjon Abdisobirovich





Tashkent city, Sayilgoh street, 35, 3rd building of TSUL

Contact details: 233-66-36, 1117 (internal)

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