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Department of Criminal Procedure Law

Slogan: The rule of law is a guarantee of justice


Our goal:

The Department of Criminal Procedure Law is one of the leading departments of the university, conducting educational, methodological and scientific research activities. The teaching staff of the Department conducts educational activities at the bachelor's degree in the following modules: “Criminal procedural law”, “Theory of evidence”, “Prosecution and defense in criminal proceedings”, “Fundamentals of criminal justice”, as well as on the magistracy in 2 directions: “Evidence and proof in criminal proceedings ”,“Participation of advocate in criminal proceedings”.

We have made it our goal to get acquainted with the national criminal process and criminal process of foreign countries, as well as international best practices in this area, in addition, the study and development of various regulatory documents in this area. Currently, in this direction, cooperation has been established with higher educational institutions, as well as developed links with the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Academy of the General Prosecutor's Office, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Chamber of Advocates, the Center for Forensic Expertise named after A.H. Suleymanova, the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Customs Institute and other law enforcement agencies.


Our tasks:

Our department supports research and innovation work carried out at the university and performs several tasks. In particular:

– training of qualified specialists for bachelor's and master's degrees with theoretical knowledge and practical skills, ready for professional activity;

– improving the quality of the educational process by filling the department with highly qualified personnel;

– development and improvement of the methodological support of the educational process, the introduction of tools, teaching methods and new educational technologies, the widespread use of interactive forms of conducting classes in the educational process, holding meetings with employers, representatives of state and public organizations, organizing master classes by experts and specialists;

– development of interaction with legislative, executive and judicial authorities, prosecutors, internal affairs, advocacy, other educational institutions that provide higher education in the legal field;

– the formation of students' skills in the practical application of the rules of procedural law;

– creating opportunities for young people to get independent education, to ensure the harmony of theory and practice.

Another priority area of the department's work is the broad involvement of teaching staff and students in scientific research.


Our modules:

4 modules for bachelor's degree:

1) Fundamentals of Criminal Justice;

2) Criminal Procedure Law;

3) Theory of Evidence;

4) Prosecution and Defense in Criminal Proceedings.


2 modules for master's degree:

1) Evidence and Proof in Criminal Proceedings;

2) Participation of Advocate in Criminal Proceedings.

Scientific potential: 40%


In 2016-2020, the Department:

published 14 textbooks and training manuals, 21 monographs, carried out 2 scientific and practical grants, more than 100 scientific publications, including 8 scientific articles in the databases “Web of Science”, “Scopus”, organized more than 160 master classes.

In addition, since July 2020, the Department has organized:

– 1 international conference;

– 4 republican scientific conferences and round tables.

Our programs and projects:

Currently, the department has 2 science clubs:

1) The “Procedure” club defines as its goal the study of the theory and practice of Criminal Procedure Law. In the current academic year, the club held 4 prize-winning quizzes. The number of registered members of the club is 49 people, and the number of subscribers to its Telegram channel is about 600 people.

2) The “Researchers Club” is aimed at training future researchers in the field of the science of Criminal Procedure Law by developing students' research skills. The number of registered members of the club is 130 people, and the number of subscribers in the Telegram channel is 1100 people.


Teaching staff:

Our lecturers constantly work on themselves, improve their qualifications and knowledge, and also exchange experience with foreign colleagues.

To date, the Department employs 3 professors, 9 lecturers. Practitioners of the judiciary and law enforcement agencies, ministries and departments, the legal profession and other organizations are regularly involved to conduct lectures, master classes and training seminars in order to ensure an inextricable link between the theoretical training of students and law enforcement practice. In addition, 12 independent doctoral candidates and 2 doctoral students participate in the activities of the department.


Our staff:

Bazarova Dildora Bakhadirovna

Head of the Department, candidate of legal sciences, professor

Suyunova Dilbar Joldasbaevna

Acting Professor of the Department, Doctor of Law

Khidoyatov Bakhtiyor Batirovich

Acting Professor of the Department, PhD in Law

Obidov Rakhimjon Obidovich

Lecturer of the Department

Latipov Samir


Lecturer of the Department

Mavlanov Kamoliddin Tuychievich

Lecturer of the Department

Rakhimova Ulzana Khamidullaevna

Lecturer of the Department

Khudaybergenov Bakhram Kuanishbaevich

Lecturer of the Department

Mamatkulova Khosiyat Uralovna

Lecturer of the Department

Makhmudov Sunnatjon

Azim ugli

Lecturer of the Department

Uralov Sarbon


Lecturer of the Department

Shamsutdinov Bekhruz Sadriddin ugli

Lecturer of the Department




Consultative days of the Department:


Full name

Consultation time



Head of Department

Bazarova D.B.


10:00 – 12:00



Acting Professor

of the Department

Suyunova D.J.


11:00 – 12:50



Acting Professor

of the Department

Khidoyatov B.B.


09:30 – 11:00



Lecturer of the Department

Obidov R.O.


11:30 – 12:00



Lecturer of the Department

Mavlanov K.T.


10:00 – 12:00



Lecturer of the Department

Rakhimova U.L.


09:30 – 11:00



Lecturer of the Department

Khudaybergenov B.K.


09:00 – 11:00



Lecturer of the Department

Mamatkulova Kh.U.


14:30 – 16:00



Lecturer of the Department

Uralov S.S.


14:00 – 16:00



Lecturer of the Department

Shamsutdinov B.S.


14:00 – 16:00



Lecturer of the Department

Makhmudov S.A.


14:00 – 16:00




Our address:

Tashkent city, Sayilgokh street, 35, 2nd educational building of TSUL, room 319

Phone number for inquiries: 71 233-66-36, 1158 (internal extension)
