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The discussion was held in Italy about the upcoming UNESCO session to be held in Uzbekistan

As you know, currently the Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation of Tashkent State University of Law Bakhshillo Khodjaev is on a business trip to Italy.

As part of the trip, B.Khodjaev visited Roma Tre University and met with the representatives and teaching staff of this educational institution.

At the meeting, information was presented on the processes of preparation for the 43rd session of the UNESCO General Conference to be held in 2025 in Samarkand, on more than centuries-old history of development of our statehood, scientific, cultural and spiritual heritage of our great ancestors who made an invaluable contribution to the world civilization, as well as on the results of reforms carried out in the country.

The foreign partners expressed their willingness to cooperate in holding this session, as well as to share Italy's experience in the field of cultural heritage preservation.