Образование Научно-инновационная деятельность
Международная деятельность
I-II квартал 2024 года
Студенческая жизнь Прием 2024 SDG
Oʼzbekcha English
Network error!
Network error!

Акобирова Сарвар Туйевна



Implicitness in the article is considered as a necessary component semantic content of the text, which includes both implicit propositions from explicitly reported in the text, and generalizations from implicit propositions, as well as correlations between generalized meanings of different propositions. Generalizations and correlations are possible through artistic categorizations, which a linguistic experiment helps to consider.

Способы неявного выражения соболезнований и их влияние на социолингвистику.

The article considers condolence as a form of English speech etiquette, analyzed as an expressive speech act. The relevance of teaching speech etiquette in a situation of condolence lies in the fact that the effectiveness of learning English increases in the conditions of modeling a real communicative situation. Linguistic means of speech act expression are considered. It introduces sociolinguistics by means of five areas of research: quantitative sociolinguistics, conversation analysis, register variation, discourse analysis, and the sociology of language.

Особенности языкового взаимодействия и особый статус английского языка в условиях глобализации

The article deals with the study of a foreign language in not language high school, as a practical mastery of a foreign language is one way of professionallyoriented training of certain difficulties and peculiarities of linguistic interactions of learning a foreign language, a characteristic portrait of the student's language personality.