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The First Uzbekistan-Italy Educational Forum opened new horizons for Innovation and Cooperation

A significant and notable event for the academic community in our country—the first Uzbekistan-Italy Educational Forum—was held.

Professor Islambek Rustambekov, Acting Rector of Tashkent State University of Law (TSUL), participated in this prestigious international forum and moderated the main session dedicated to cooperation in the fields of creative industries, law, economics, and cultural heritage.

As part of the forum, there was a presentation of the book *"Intellectual Property in the Digital Era"*, authored by TSUL professors and published in Italy. The book, which addresses pressing issues related to intellectual property protection in the digital age, sparked great interest among forum participants.

During the international forum, an agreement was signed between TSUL and Roma Tre University to launch a joint master's program in Digital Law. It is noteworthy that this collaboration represents a critical step toward advancing legal education in the era of global digitalization.

Additionally, meetings were held between Professor Islambek Rustambekov and representatives from the University of Florence and the University of Bari, during which agreements were reached to sign memorandums of cooperation in the future.

In short, Uzbekistan-Italy Educational Forum opened new horizons for strengthening cooperative relations and joint scientific projects.


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