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The team of TSUL participated in DOMANI-2024

The Doshisha Merton Advocacy Network Initiative (DOMANI) project was held at Merton College, Oxford.

The main goal of this project, now in its fifth edition, is to train young legal practitioners and law students in advocacy skills related to international dispute resolution, earbitration, and mediation.

The event covered key methods for conducting general investigations, cross-examinations, fact-finding, filing delayed witness statements, and commercial mediation. As part of the event, students underwent intensive courses that included masterclasses on arbitration and mediation, as well as a simulation of an arbitration hearing.

This prestigious event was attended not only by representatives from various communities and jurisdictions, including the University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong), Doshisha University (Japan), Merton College, Oxford (UK), and Durham University (UK), but also by students from the Faculty of International Law and Comparative Legislation of Tashkent State University of Law, led by TSUL Professor Otabek Narziev.

During the sessions, TSUL students gave a presentation on alternative dispute resolution mechanisms in Uzbekistan and received valuable advice from practitioners and professors on developing the field of commercial mediation.


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