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TSUL student became the chairman of the Youth Parliament!

The Youth Parliament began its work in Uzbekistan. The first meeting of the new structure formed by the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis in cooperation with the Agency for Youth Affairs was held online. It discussed organizational issues.

The Youth parliament is advisory body of lower chamber of parliament consisting of 250 deputies. 46 of them were appointed on the recommendation of the Republican Commission of the Youth Parliament, the rest were elected by the district (city) kengash of people's deputies for a period of two years.

The chairman of the Youth Parliament was elected at the first meeting. Zhamshid Boboev, a student at the Tashkent State Law University, was found worthy of the task.

Zhamshid was born in 1994 in Gulistan, Syrdarya region. He is currently in his 4th year at Tashkent State Law University.

He combines his studies with work at the Ministry of Justice. He also actively participates in projects of the United Nations Development Program and the international organization USAID.

In my opinion, the establishment of the Youth Parliament is a unique event in the legislative practice of our country," Boboyev said. - From now on, I am a representative of Uzbekistan's many millions of young people in the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis. I deeply feel all the power and responsibility of the task I have been entrusted with. We, the deputies, must protect the lawful interests of young people, convey their expectations and aspirations to the leadership of the country, and assist in addressing the pressing issues on the agenda of youth policy.  I am sure the Youth Parliament will be a kind of law school for each of the deputies, which will allow us to directly participate in the adoption of important laws in the lives of young people and enrich their legal and political knowledge and skills. For me personally it is a good opportunity to prove my involvement in the fate of my homeland and loyalty to the reforms carried out by the President of the republic.

The staff of the Tashkent State Law University sincerely congratulates Zhamshid Boboev with this responsible task and wishes him great success in his future activity.

Department of public relations and mass media

Tashkent State Law University


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