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The defense of doctoral dissertation (PhD) by Nurbek Toshkanov will take place

On September 21 at 12:00, the defense of the doctoral dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Law (PhD) by Nurbek Bahriddinovich Toshkanov on the topic "Civil-Law Issues of Commercialising Intellectual Property Assets" will take place at the meeting of the Scientific Council DSc.07/30.12.2019.Yu.22.01 at Tashkent State University of Law. The dissertation is in the specialty 12.00.03 — Civil Law. Entrepreneurial Law. Family Law. Private International Law.

The defense will be held in the meeting room (room 203, building 1, TSUL).

The defense can also be observed via the following ZOOM link:
Conference ID: 884 7291 9631
Access Code: 123