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A doctoral thesis of Dildora Bazarova on "Procedural guarantees of individual rights in criminal proceedings" will be discussed

On October 28 at 15:00 a regular meeting of the scientific seminar of the Scientific Council DSc.07/13.05.2020.Yu.22.03 for the award of the degree of doctor of sciences will take place (room 234, building 3, TSUL).

At the meeting, there will be discussed a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Sciences (DSc) of Bazarova Dildora Bakhadirovna on specialty 12.00.09 - Criminal Procedure. Criminalistics, operative-investigative law and forensic expertise on the theme "Procedural guarantees of the rights of the individual in criminal proceedings".

The session can be attended via the following ZOOM link:⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠


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