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167 children took part in a charity event organized at the initiative of te students of TSUL

The students of Tashkent State University of Law organized a charity event at the Sadaf ceremonies hall on the occasion of Ramadan Hayit - Eid al-Fitr.

The event was attended by 167 children from Orphanage in Buka district of Tashkent region, specialized boarding school No 77 for blind children, Orphanage No 1, and the Republican Center for the Social Adaptation of Children.

During the charity event, a special holiday program, festive table, and concert were organized for the children.

At the beginning of the event, boys and girls received congratulations and best wishes from the staff of the university.

During the event, students of the university gave the children joy and good humor with the images of various fairy tale characters.

In the end, the children were presented with gifts from sponsors.

The staff of Tashkent State University of Law expresses gratitude to everyone who contributed to the organization of the charity event.


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