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Rector of TSUL takes part in training seminars aimed at improving the legal knowledge and culture of the population

This year there will be presidential elections of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

A series of awareness activities and seminars are organized for the improvement of the legal awareness and culture of the population, informing voters about their rights and responsibilities in the regions. These events are attended by specialists of the relevant spheres who provide the population with useful information and answer their questions.

At present, TSUL Rector - Rakhimjon Khakimov also takes part in various training seminars organized in the Namangan region.

In particular, the rector participated in the training held at Namangan State University and informed the participants about the work done to conduct this year's elections in an open, transparent, and legal manner under the Electoral Code and its objectives.

The participants were also advised to inform the population about important norms established by the electoral legislation.

In addition, the working group headed by R. Khakimov took part in the explanatory events and training seminars organized in Turakurgan, Chust, Pap, and Chartak districts and checked the participants' knowledge about the elections and electoral legislation.

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