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Scientific discussion on "Problems of international and national regulation of food safety" will take place at TSUL

The main issues for scientific discussion:
1) The concept of food safety.

Questions for discussion:
- How is the issue of food safety studied internationally?
- Why are the demands of food security, malnutrition, and the right to food repeated throughout the world today and what is the reason for this?
- To what extent does the right to food cover the area of human rights in international law?
- Is Codeks Alimentarius necessary? What is the Codeks Alimentarius itself? Do you think it is considered an international instrument in international law or in the Republic of Uzbekistan. How does it work?

2) Current global food problem.

Questions for discussion:
- How important is the issue of food safety during a pandemic?
- By safe food we mean healthy, high quality, environmentally friendly products without GMOs without the addition of harmful elements. Which authorities can we turn to in order to resolve this situation?

3) Issues of international and national regulation of food safety.

Questions for discussion:
- What international documents and national laws express norms related to the right to food and food safety?
- What legal norms in your opinion should be introduced as innovations and additions in this issue?

4) International legal cooperation between FAO and the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Questions for discussion:
- International legal analysis of food security measures of Uzbekistan with FAO.
- What kind of international legal cooperation does Uzbekistan carry out in food sphere.

The discussion will take place on October 5, at 9:30 (room 234, Building 3, TSUL).

For information: (+998) (71) 233-66-36 (1043)


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