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"TSUL Books" Small Grants Contest

Tashkent State University of Law announces a small grants contest for textbooks, study guides, code comments, casebooks, and translations of foreign legal educational literature. 
The contest is conducted in the following five categories:
- textbook preparation; 
- code commentary;
- textbooks;
- casebook;
- translation of foreign textbook literature.

The grant amounts are as follows:
- for preparation of a textbook - 10 million UZS;
- for the commentary to the Code - 10 million UZS;
- for textbook - 8 million UZS;
- for casebook - 5 million soums;
- for translation of foreign educational literature - 5 million UZS.

Terms of grant project realization: 
- for writing a textbook and a commentary on the code - 1 year;
- for writing a textbook - 6 months;
- for preparation of casebook and translation of foreign educational literature - 3 months.

Within each nomination, the corresponding contest is considered valid when at least 2 projects that meet the requirements are submitted. There is no minimum score for evaluating a project, and the winning project is the one with the highest score.

Only teachers of Tashkent State University of Law can participate in the contest. The leader of the project team must have a scientific degree and (or) academic rank.
Candidates wishing to participate in the contest should prepare their projects using the form provided in this link and email them to no later than September 25.

For more information, call 71-233-66-36 (1047).


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