The renowned publishing house Routledge Taylor & Francis Group has released the book Global Clinical Legal Education. This book presents unique practices of clinical legal education from more than 50 countries.
What is particularly noteworthy is that the book includes information about Uzbekistan’s clinical legal education practices, illustrated through the example of the Legal Clinic at Tashkent State University of Law.
Chapter 11 of the book, titled "The distinctive nature of Uzbekistan Clinical Legal Education," was written by the head of the TSUL Legal Clinic, Doctor of Law, Professor Otabek Narziev. This chapter explores Uzbekistan’s 25-year experience in clinical legal education, particularly at TSUL, highlighting its achievements and future plans.
This chapter was prepared as part of the Central Asian Legal Research Fellowship research program in collaboration with Professor Jeff Giddings from Monash University in Australia. The chapter also presents findings from research conducted under the grant project "Ijtimoiy xavf guruhiga kiruvchi yoshlar muammolariga ko‘maklashuvchi yuridik klinika faoliyatini yo‘lga qo‘yish" (Establishing the Legal Clinic to Assist Youth at Social Risk).