The Head of the Legal Clinic at Tashkent State University of Law, Professor Otabek Narziev, visited Ferghana State University as part of the "Yoshstan: Empowering Civil Society Organizations in the Youth Sector" project.
As part of this project, implemented in cooperation with the international organization "Yuksalish" and its territorial division in the Andizhan region, the non-governmental non-profit organization "Hamroh", and the international non-profit association "Umumiy manfaatlarni izlash", a three-day seminar-training was organized on the topic:
"Operational Stability of Legal Clinics, Integration of Students and Teachers into Legal Clinic Activities, Operational Planning, and Resource Management".
As a member of the grant project "Establishing a Legal Clinic to Assist Youth in Socially Vulnerable Groups," Otabek Narziev delivered a lecture, discussing the establishment of a Legal Clinic at Ferghana State University, its target groups, organizational structure, and the role of students and faculty in providing legal consultations, offering free legal assistance to the population, and enhancing legal awareness and culture among citizens.