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The defense of doctoral dissertation of Bekjon Ismailov will take place

At the meeting of the Scientific Council numbered DSc.07/30.12.2019.Yu.22.01 at Tashkent State University of Law on October 14 at 10:00, the defense of doctoral dissertation of Ismailov Bekjon Salikhovich for doctor of philosophy (PhD) in Law in the specialty "12.00.01 - Theory and history of the state and law. "History of legal doctrines" on the topic "Improving the theoretical and legal foundations of social protection of persons with disabilities in Uzbekistan: the example of the educational system" will take place.

The defense will be held in the meeting room (room 203, building 1, TSUL).

You can also follow the process through the following ZOOM link:

ID: 878 4980 0816
Code: 123