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A training seminar on "We Against Domestic Violence" will be organized

The training, organized by the Department of Master's Program and Extramural Education at Tashkent State University of Law and the University Women's Council within the "Central Asian Legal Research Fellowship" program, will be conducted by the foreign researcher, Ph.D. Choudxouri Kaustav.

Presentations will also be made by Salomat Niyozova, professor at the department of criminal law, criminology and anti-corruption, Farhod Fazilov, associate professor Gulchehra Tulaganova, Ph.D., professor at the department of criminal procedure law, and Habiba Oblomuradova, Ph.D., associate professor at the department of general education and culture.

The training seminar will be held in Uzbek and English on November 15 at 16:00 (room 207, building 2, TSUL).

You can also take part in the training at the following link ZOOM:⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠


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