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"E-qaror" - convenient, easy, transparent

As you know, by a Government Decree dated April 14, 2020, the E-qaror electronic system was launched, which provides for the adoption of documents by khokims in full electronic form.

With the help of the electronic system "E-qaror":

firstly, it became possible for strict control over ensuring the legality of each adopted document. All processes related to the acceptance of documents (project development, approval, signing, numbering and publication) are carried out using an electronic system. Monitoring of this process is carried out by the justice authorities;

secondly, transparency in activities related to the adoption of documents by khokims has been strengthened. The adopted documents are regularly published and through this every citizen has the opportunity to monitor how well they are justified;

thirdly, the implementation of the process of accepting documents by khokims through the electronic system prevents retroactive adoption of resolutions, replacement of attachments to documents and other illegal actions that are observed in some cases;

fourthly, documents accepted by khokims through the electronic system "E-qaror" (except for documents whose distribution to third parties is limited by legislative documents) are automatically published on the official websites of khokimiyats and the National Database of Legislation - LexUZ.

The electronic system "E-qaror" from January to May 2021 was experimentally tested in the Kashkadarya region.

The Ministry of Justice has developed documents on invalidating the decisions of khokims, which were taken bypassing the electronic system "E-qaror" and establishing responsibility for the relevant officials.

Also, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 21, 2022 “On measures to implement the administrative reforms of New Uzbekistan”, from January 1, 2023, as an experiment, the system of the Ministry of Justice introduced the practice of accepting and publishing departmental orders, resolutions and orders through the electronic system “E- qaror".

Now, orders relating to the general activities of Tashkent State University of Law will also be published through the electronic system "E-qaror".


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