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"A Career Day" was organized at TSUL

At the event, which was organized jointly with the Human Resources Department of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan, students were provided with information about the system and activities of the Prosecutor's Office, the requirements for candidates wishing to work in the Prosecutor's Office, the hiring procedure, the conditions created for employees, as well as social guarantees.

Also at the event, which was attended by representatives of the Human Resources Department of the Prosecutor General's Office, the assistant prosecutor of Yashnabad region, employees and students of Tashkent State University of Law, the participants talked about the activities of the Club of Future Prosecutors, the order of joining the club, as well as opportunities created for students who are members of the club.

At the event the students, wishing to work in the prosecutor's office and wishing to join the Club of Future Prosecutors, received answers to their questions from the experts.


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