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For the first time, students of Tashkent State University will undergo an internship in international law firms

On this occasion, the rector of the Tashkent State University of Law Rakhim Khakimov, co-directors of the international law and consulting firm “Grotius Chambers” Thomas John and Marin Weisser, as well as other representatives of the university, took part in the signing ceremony, which was held online through the Zoom platform.

As noted at the ceremony, this memorandum provides for cooperation in the field of international legal and business consulting, improvement of legal clinics and the creation of a mediation center at the Tashkent State University of Law, to provide mediation services for alternative dispute resolution and the development of new innovative solutions. Also, in cooperation with Grotius Chambers, training programs in international law will be organized for students and young professionals of the Tashkent State University of Law.

A special network will be created for students and teachers of TSUL, who will participate in training seminars, internships and other courses held by “Grotius Chambers”, as well as to conduct joint research and publish the results.

Since 2021, a special course "Opening an international legal consulting firm" will be opened for students of the Tashkent State University of Law, in which qualified lawyers from Grotius Chambers will be involved.

In addition, “Grotius Chambers” will take a number of measures to develop cooperation between EU universities and their legal clinics and Tashkent State University of Law in the field of pro bono and create a mediation center.

The ceremony also outlined further plans for the implementation of the tasks stipulated by the memorandum.

For information: the international legal and consulting company “Grotius Chambers” was founded in 2019 and registered with the Chamber of Commerce in The Hague, Netherlands. The law firm's core business is to provide high quality cross-border legal, policy and advocacy services to governments, international organizations, non-governmental organizations and private entrepreneurs, as well as promoting effective access to justice at the international level.


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