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Tashkent State University of Law will be transformed in steps

Department of Transformation of Tashkent State University of Law started to prepare Tashkent State University of Law for the international accreditation conducted by QAA - UK Quality Assurance Agency.

A series of training sessions aimed at improving the curricula (syllabuses) in line with international standards were organized in this regard with financial support from the international NGO "Regional Dialogue". The training was conducted by invited trainers-experts from Great Britain: Professor Richard Grimes (independent expert) and Professor Stephan Levet from York University Law School.

The training was attended by employees of the Department of University Transformation, Department of Educational Quality Control, Educational and Methodological Department (Registrar's Office), deputy deans of faculties on academic affairs, and lecturers responsible for the academic direction of the departments.

During the sessions, there were discussed the requirements of the QAA UK curriculum (syllabuses), assessment and training based on syllabuses, the impact of syllabuses, the relationship of the curriculum and syllabuses, SMART principle in determining the expected module outcomes, important aspects to pay attention to when designing an assessment.

Participants will organize workshops in their organizational units based on the information they learned in the training and communicate the information to their colleagues.


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