Образование Научно-инновационная деятельность
Международная деятельность
I-II квартал 2024 года
Студенческая жизнь Прием 2024 SDG
Oʼzbekcha English
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Head of Trade Union

Urazaliev Murod Koraevich

E-mail: u.murodbek_78@ mail.ru

Phone number: 71 233 66 36 

       The Trade Union of Tashkent State University of Law is a public organization established based on the Charter to represent and protect the labor and other socio-economic rights and interests of employees related to the general professional interests of employees in their activities. Today, the university's Trade Union has been transferred to the Electronic Trade Union platform. All documents, applications, and financial statements are processed in an electronic system.

       The Trade Union of Tashkent State University of Law  is regulated by the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Labor Code, the Laws "On Employment", "On Labor Protection", "On Trade Unions", "On Social Partnership", "On Education" , as well as industry agreements drawn up for 2021-2023 between the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republican Council of Trade Unions of State Institutions and Public Services of Uzbekistan, the Republican Council of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, The Charter of the Trade Union of education and science workers of Uzbekistan and other legal documents. To date, the trade union committee has 643 members.

     A Collective Agreement has been signed between the university administration and the trade Union committee to ensure employment, other social and economic rights and interests of the members of the collective. The implementation of the provisions of this collective agreement is under continuous control.

     The main activities of the Trade Union Committee of Tashkent State University of Law:

–      participation in the development of draft regulations and technical regulations in the field of technical regulation affecting the socio-economic rights and interests of Trade Union members;

–      collective bargaining on behalf of employees, entering into collective agreements and contracts;

–      implementation of public control over labor legislation;

–      conclusion of collective agreements and participation in labor protection measures;

–      conducting cultural and educational events together with Trade Union members;

–      work on restoring the health of Trade Union members and their children, introducing them to physical culture and sports;

–      cooperation of Trade Unions with public and non-governmental organizations, Trade Unions of foreign countries and the establishment of international relations.


Accountant of Trade Union of Tashkent State University of Law:

Yusupov Bakhtiyor Farkhodovich 

Number: 71 233 66 36 (1107)

Clerk of Trade Union of Tashkent State University of Law :

Otamurodov Shahzod

Number: 71 233 66 36




Currently, the Trade Union Committee of TSUL teaches students about veterans' status, offers social support to them while they are enrolled in the institution, and represents and defends the labor, socioeconomic rights, and interests of employees connected to their work or field of study. and the establishment of secure working environments, internal tourism, high-quality healthcare for workers and their families, planning of relaxation in different sanatoriums, and group, which is successful in arranging public, cultural, entertainment, and sporting activities.

Members of the Trade Union's Executive Committee, which consists of five individuals: chairman Orazaliev M.K.; head of the department of general education sciences and culture Nasirkhodzhaeva G.A.; head of the department of operation and maintenance Bozorov I.Kh.; associate professor Niyazova N.J. of the department of Uzbek language and literature, Pulatov Sh.Sh., director of the Center for Spirituality and Enlightenment, are all actively working today.

In order to protect the team members' interests and rights in terms of labor, as well as other social and economic rights, the university administration and the Trade Union Committee signed a Collective Agreement for the years 2022–2023. The public is regularly monitoring how this collective agreement's provisions are being implemented. There are 618 members of the trade union committee as of right now.

In 2022, the trade union committee received 212 appeals from our employees, up to 183 in 2021. Out of these, 135 requests were made for material support, 65 for referrals to sanatoriums or centers for preventative treatment, and 12 for referrals to a children's camp for employees' children. The trade union committee received 61 appeals; 57 of them (93.4%) were accepted; 6.6% were postponed and the employees were informed of the reason.

If we just consider the work that the Trade Union will conduct in 2022 to improve employees' social protection, we will see a total of 96.33 million provided by the Trade Union. If financial assistance is granted in the form of Sums, our 135 employees in need will get a total of 96,332 million in 2022. There was financial assistance given in the form of Sums.

In order to strengthen the health of union members and their children, the trade union will send 31 employees to Humson, Nazarbek, Aktash, Bo'ston, Botanika, Zomin, Chimyon, Turon, Chinabad Plaza, Chorvok, Chortok, Termiz marvaridi, Ugam, Olmos resorts in 2022 alone. a preferential pass was given. Also, 24 children of our employees were given preferential passes to the children's camp "Asaka" and "Samp law".

In particular, the visit of employees to the opera and ballet theater named after A. Navoi, the State Satire Theater of Uzbekistan, the Uzbek National Academic Drama Theater, the Uzbek national musical drama and comedy theaters named after Mukumi, and the cinema named after Alisher Navoi, which is located in Tashkent, was organized, including more than 300 employees. received.

The trade union, in cooperation with the physical education department, organizes monthly sports events aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle in the community. Sports competitions were held among the employees, such as mini-football, table tennis, checkers, chess, running, volleyball, and the participation of more than 400 employees was ensured.

In order to develop "domestic tourism" and organize collective and family vacations for employees, trips were organized to "Olmos" recreation center located in Samarkand region, Bostanliq district of Tashkent region, and recreation centers located in Zomin district of Jizzakh region within the framework of internal tourism, and 212 employees were involved.

A total of 102,337 mln. sum was spent. 172.758 mln. gifts of soums were given. Work on physical education and participation in sports was carried out, and 10 team sports events were organized in 2022. 85,025 million to the winners of sports competitions. gifts worth soms were given by the trade union.

The trade union provides financial assistance to employees and honorary employees in need of social protection, providing them with is bleeding support jobs. In particular, on November 30, 2022, the Republican War and Labor Veterans' Boarding House No. 1 in the Olmozor district of Tashkent city was visited and information was received from the elderly.

One of the main problems of the trade union committee is that the trade union should cooperate with social and non-governmental organizations, trade unions of foreign countries and establish international relations.


 Sport Activities

Organizing outreach events


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