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"UJOLS Grant Contest - 2022" has launched

"UJOLS GRANT" - the first private grant, created by UJOLS (Uzbek Journal of Legal Studies) and the Department of Private Law of Tashkent State University of Law to ensure the implementation of tasks determined by the Presidential Decree of April 29, 2020 "On additional measures to radically improve legal education and science in the Republic of Uzbekistan".

The purpose of the grant, aimed at training highly qualified, creative thinking staff, worthy motivation of talented students of Tashkent State University of Law, is to inform the world about judicial reforms in Uzbekistan through English-language blogs.

To win the grant, applicants must write analytical articles in the form of blog posts in English, consisting of 1000-1500 words, and post them on

Students, graduate students, doctoral students, and researchers who post the most blog posts about judicial law reform in our country on this website will be awarded in the following categories:

Nomination-1. Bachelor's and master's programs students:
1st place - 12 million UZS;
2nd place - 6 million UZS;
3rd place - 3 million UZS.

Nomination-2. Doctoral students and researchers:
1st place - tablet (3 million UZS);
2nd place - a collection of books (2 million UZS);
3rd place - Grammarly subscription (1,2 million UZS).

Also, participants will be awarded in additional categories such as "Best Girl Author", "Best Blogpost with Legal Practice Analysis", and "Blogpost with Most Questions and Meaningful Comments on Linkedin Page".

Those who want to be winners and prize-winners of the grant should publish at least one blog post every 2 months and pay special attention to its content.

How do I publish blog posts on the Uzbekistan Law Blog?

The Uzbekistan Law Blog is the first English-language independent legal blog in Uzbekistan.

Submitting blog posts and publishing selected material for the site are done in two stages.

In the first stage, blog posts prepared by students are reviewed by the private law faculty team.

In the second stage, the UJOLS editorial board will select the best blog posts.

Blogposts that successfully pass the two-step review process will be published on

In the process of creating "UJOLS GRANT" and maintaining the blog based on international standards TSUL professors, lawyers of private law firms, professors and doctoral candidates of prestigious higher educational institutions of Japan, such as Nagoya Economic University, Kinjo Gakuin University, Osaka University, Nagoya University will be involved.


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