In line with the tasks outlined in the Presidential Resolution of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Measures to Improve the System for Selecting Talented Youth and the Activities of Academic Lyceums," a "Rector's hour" was organized at the Namangan Regional Academic Lyceum under Tashkent State University of Law with the participation of Acting Rector of TSUL, Professor Islambek Rustambekov.
As part of the event, a meeting was held with lyceum students and their parents, during which they were introduced to educational programs, opportunities in the legal field, conditions created for students, and personal skills required for future lawyers.
Additionally, during the meeting, parents were given the opportunity to express their opinions and suggestions regarding the lyceum's activities.
An intellectual game, Zakovat, was also conducted for lyceum students as part of the event.
At the conclusion, the most active lyceum students and the winners of the Zakovat intellectual game were awarded certificates of honor, diplomas, and commemorative gifts.