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A practical seminar on the topic “Trends in the development of the legal system of the European Union” was held at TSUL

The seminar, organized by Tashkent State University of Law within the framework of the grant project “Jean Monnet Chair in European Union Law” (101048015 - JMCEUL), supported by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union, was attended by TSUL teachers and employees of the Ministry of Justice.

The seminar featured reports by the project coordinator, associate professor of the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Law, Khaidarali Yunusov, on the topic of "Formation, development trends and prospects of the legal system of the European Union - the importance of the experience of the Law of the European Union for Uzbekistan", project participant, associate professor of the department of international law and human rights, Doctor of Philosophy in Law, Daler Valijonov, on the topic of "Organizational and legal foundations of the activities of law enforcement agencies of the European Union and international legal cooperation with Uzbekistan", teacher of the department of international private law of TSUL Sayidkomil Ibodullaev on the topic of "Legal issues of the implementation of tariff trade preferences GSP + of the European Union (examples of Uzbekistan and foreign experience)".

During the seminar, the participants received answers to their questions from the project participants.


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