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A contest of initiative projects "Women-Scientists" has been announced

The Agency for Innovative Development announced the contest of initiative applied and innovative projects “Women-Scientists” (78th round).

The project executors should include only women, the average age of the research team should not exceed 45 years, the research team should include young scientists, talented students, and undergraduates.

Contest requirements:

- the duration of the project should not exceed 1 year;
– the project must be practical or innovative. 

A seminar on "Family without violence - a model of ideal life" was held

As you know, to ensure gender equality and protection of women from harassment and violence, on November 25, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women was declared and under the motto "16 days of active measures against gender violence" social and preventive activities were held.

One such event is a seminar organized at Tashkent State Law University on "Family without violence - a model of ideal life".

The event, organized on the initiative of the Women's Council of Tashkent State University of Law, was attended by Umida Abdullaeva, colonel, head of the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Lieutenant Colonel Nargiza Mirzhalolova, deputy head of the Spiritual Educational Affairs Service of the Ministry for Women Affairs, Odina Jamoliddinova, advisor to the Minister of Higher Education, Oinisa Musurmanova, deputy director of the Research Institute for Family and Women, teachers and students of Tashkent State University of Law.

The seminar provided information on women's protection mechanisms and protection warrants implemented by law enforcement agencies, the order of their issuance, the creation of an atmosphere of intolerance, and the work being done to prevent domestic violence through cooperation.

In the end, the participants were awarded letters of appreciation and certificates.

A training seminar was held on the topic “We are against domestic violence”

The Faculty of Master's and Correspondence Education, the Department of General Educational Disciplines and Culture of the Tashkent State University of Law organized a training seminar on the topic “We are against domestic violence.”

The event was held by the dean of the Faculty of Master's and Correspondence Education of TSUL Atabek Babajanov, the chairman of the women's council of the faculty Dilnavoz Tadzhibaeva and the head of the department of general education disciplines and culture Gulnora Nosyrkhojaeva.

A foreign researcher, PhD Chowdhury Kaustav, took part in the training within the framework of the Central Asian Legal Research Fellowship program.

Also, presentations on the topic were made by Professor of the Department of Criminal Law, Criminology and Anti-Corruption, Doctor of Legal Sciences Salomat Niyazova, Professor of the Department of Criminal Procedure Law, Doctor of Legal Sciences Gulchekhra Tulaganova, Acting. Associate Professor of the Department of General Educational Disciplines and Culture, PhD Habib Oblomuradov.

Teachers from the Faculty of Master's and Distance Education, as well as female students from all faculties of the university, took an active part in the training seminar.

During the training, conducted in the form of an open dialogue, participants received answers to their questions from experts.

Women's volleyball team of TSUL was among the ten strongest teams of the Minister's Cup

Tashkent State University of Transport hosted a competition for the Cup of the Minister of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education in volleyball among girls.

16 teams took part in the competition and the TSUL team was one of the 10 strongest teams.

11 February – International Day of Women and Girls in Science

 A roundtable discussion on "Early Marriage, Early Childbirth and Disputes, Marital Age among Young People, Alimony Payment Conditions, Marriage between Relatives and its Legal Consequences" was organized

The event was conducted by Umida Shorakhmetova, PhD in Law, Associate Professor at Tashkent State University of Law, Umida Khaidarova, Chairwoman of the University Women's Council and Liliya Achilova, Chairwoman of Women's Council of Private Law Faculty.

The roundtable discussion was attended by talented and active students from all faculties of the university.

The event provided information on the moral values of marriage and family in our national spirituality, its impact on the education of young people, spiritual and moral maturity, as well as the role of the state in ensuring family peace and stability.

During the round table discussion, held in the form of an open dialogue, students received answers to their questions from the experts.

The “Lawyer Ayollar” competition has been announced at TSUL

Women working at the university can take part in the competition held on the occasion of International Women's Day in the following categories:

– “Hardworking woman”;

– “Promoter of science”;

– “Initiative woman”;

– “Best propagandist”;

– “Talented woman teacher”;

– “Activist of international cooperation”;

– “The most selfless woman”;

- "Mistress of the University." 

A seminar training on the topic “Administration of justice with gender equality” was organized at the Hilton hotel in Tashkent.

The event was organized jointly with the Tashkent State University of Law, the University of World Economy and Diplomacy with the support of a joint project of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the United States Agency of International Development (USAID), and the United Nations Development Program "Partnership of the Rule of Law in Uzbekistan", was attended by experts spheres, teachers and students of two universities.

During the training seminar, issues of ensuring gender equality in the administration of justice, elimination of gender discrimination in this process, increasing the role of women in the judicial system, as well as the tasks identified in the Strategy for Achieving Gender Equality in the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030 were discussed.

It also provided information on international standards and national gender legislation, international judicial and quasi-judicial practice in cases related to gender equality issues (UN human rights bodies, regional judicial bodies).

News 24 | International cooperation on gender equality

A seminar-training on the topic "Communication in the family and gender equality" was organized at TSUL

The training, organized on the initiative of the Women's Council of Tashkent State University of Law, was conducted by Khusnora Rakhimova, a specialist from the "Oila va xotin-qizlar" Research Institute.

During the practical psychological training, interesting information was provided on gender equality and other legal relations in the family, and quizzes, interactive games were held on the topic.

The expert also answered questions from participants on gender equality issues based on statistics and examples.



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