On May 23 at 14:00 and 16:00 a regular meeting of the scientific seminar of the Academic Council number DSc.07/13.05.2020.Yu.22.03 on the awarding of doctoral degrees at Tashkent State University of Law, there will be held two discussions of doctoral students.
The meeting will discuss:
Dissertation (for the degree of Doctor of Laws (DSc)) of Toshpulatov Akrom Ikromovich, an independent researcher of Tashkent State University of Law, on "Criminal legal principles: theory and practice" in the specialty 12.00.08 - Criminal law. Criminology. Criminal Executive Law.
Dissertation (for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy) of Obidov Tolibjon Avazkhonovich, an independent researcher of Tashkent State University of Law, on "Requirements to the decision part of the accusatory sentence" on specialty 12.00.09 - Criminal Procedure. Criminalistics. Operative-search law and forensic expertise.
You can participate in the discussion at the following ZOOM link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84442988843?pwd=THMyTk1MWUhPUERTeFpuT1ZXSFgxZz09
ID: 844 4298 8843 Code: 153121