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Otabek Narziev spoke at a global conference on "Justice Education: Building Resilience and Strong Connections in Times of Global Challenges"

The world conference "Justice Education: Building Resilience and Strong Connections in Times of Global Challenges" was organized at Stellenbosch University of the Republic of South Africa.

At the international conference organized on the occasion of 11th anniversary of Global Alliance for Justice Education and the 20th anniversary of International Journal of Clinical Legal Education Otabek Narziev, the acting professor of International Private Law department of Tashkent State University of Law and the head of the Legal Clinic of the University, participated in it.

Narziev made a report "Free Legal Aid, Pro Bono Activity and Clinical Legal Education in the Experience of TSUL Legal Clinic" and informed conference participants about 22 years experience of Pro Bono, clinical legal education in Uzbekistan and in particular at Tashkent State University of Law.

During the conference, Otabek Narziev met with representatives of Stellenbosch University in South Africa and Monash University in Australia and discussed the establishment of cooperation between these institutions of higher education and TSUL.


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