In order to support women working in the fields of science, law, innovation and public administration, to recognize and encourage the work of women scientists and women conducting scientific research, as well as their contribution to the development of society, an event was organized at Tashkent State University of Law under the slogan “Women scientists are always respected”.
Acting Rector of Tashkent State University of Law, Doctor of Law, Professor Islambek Rustambekov spoke at the event and especially recognized the great contribution of women working at the university to the development of our society.
I. Rustambekov also provided information about the work being done at TSUL to support women's scientific research, noting that these efforts will continue in the future.
During the event, female scientists who are distinguished by their advanced research and innovative approaches, authors of scientific research, legal studies, technological innovations, and projects leading society towards positive change in various fields, were awarded diplomas and souvenirs.