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The defence of the PhD dissertation of Kozimbek Goziyev will take place

On October 12 at 10:00, during the session of the Scientific Council DSc.07/30.12.2019.Yu.22.02 at Tashkent State University of Law, the defence of Kozimbek Jovlon ogli Goziyev's dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Law will take place. The dissertation is titled "Organizational and Legal Aspects of Management and Regulation of the Activities of Higher Educational Institutions in the Republic of Uzbekistan" under the speciality 12.00.02 — Constitutional Law. Administrative Law. Financial and Customs Law.

The defence will be held in the conference hall of building No. 1 at TSUL (Room 203).

The defence process can also be followed via the following ZOOM link:
Conference ID: 861 4648 2075
Access Code: 473571