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Serikbek Muratayev participates in the 21st International Anti-Corruption Conference

Serikbek Murataev, associate professor of the Constitutional Law department of Tashkent State University of Law and PhD in law, participates in the «21st International Anti-Corruption Conference». The conference is organized by «Transparency International», an influential international non-governmental organization fighting corruption.

This conference is attended by 2000 representatives of governmental, non-governmental organizations, academia and business entities from more than 100 countries of the world.

During the conference, S. Muratayev held meetings with representatives of various foreign universities. Among them were: Dr. Djeffri Xellock from the American University of International Services, Professor Egle Vaydelite, deputy dean of the Faculty of Public Policy and Integrity, Kuang University of Technology in the Republic of Lithuania and Professor Vika Makaxun, dean of the Faculty of Law, University of Thailand.