On January 30, (room 234, building 3, TSUL) a regular meeting of the scientific seminar under the Scientific Council DSc.07/13.05.2020.Yu.22.03 will be held.
The following issues will be discussed at the meeting:
At 14:00, a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Law will be discussed by an independent researcher of Tashkent State University of Law Rustam Kakhmanovich Abdullaev, in the specialty 12.00.09 - Criminal Procedure. Criminalistics. Operational-investigative law and forensic examination on the topic "Improving the forensic support for the inspection of the scene."
At 16:00, a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Law will be discussed by an independent researcher of Tashkent State University of Law Nazhimov Miratdiyin Shamshetdinovich, in the specialty 12.00.08 - Criminal Law. Criminology. Penitentiary law on the topic "Improving responsibility for crimes against the family and youth."
You can take part in the meeting via the following ZOOM link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85989470615?pwd=MFdXN1poY0NVeUozcHVjRlJweFJ1QT09