Universitet Ta'lim Ilmiy-innovatsion faoliyat
Xalqaro faoliyat Talabalar hayoti Qabul 2024 SDG
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Our Expert Advice To Local

Ways to fight corruption…

Kamola Alieva - Acting Associate Professor at TSUL, PhD in Law, Expert on Gender equality issues, Women’s rights activist, Uzbek feminist, mother of 3 and kelin for 16 years. She is known for giving an interviews for Uzbekistan’s several popular media. Kamola Alieva is one of the women’s rights activists, among many others, who advocated and pushed for Uzbekistan to criminalize domestic violence in April, 2023.
She is a participant of various international scientific projects that aim to ensure gender equality in Uzbekistan. Also she openly talks about the problem of violence and the gender stereotypes on her Twitter and Instagram.
Kamola Alieva founded a student-volunteering group at TSUL and help advocate against gender-based violence.




Sardorbek Yusupov (Doctor of Science, PhD in Law) is the Head of the Administrative and Financial Law Department at Tashkent State University of Law. He is an excellent lecturer and leader with a track record of success in lecturing and student mentoring. In 2020-2020, he was Head of the Department of Coordination of Scientific Research and Training of Scientific and Pedagogical Personnel, as well as Associate Professor at the Department of State Law and Management. Author of research works such as 'International Legal Bases of Parliamentary Control Over the State Budget: On the Example of Inter-Parliamentary Institutions' (2021) and others.

He is currently demonstrating administrative law and tax law to students and supervising research clubs. Developed continuing programs through effective team communication and collaboration.






Asal Juraeva - Lecturer at Administrative and Financial Law Department of TSUL who previously worked as specialist at the International cooperation department of TSUL. Asal is hopeful to change people's perspective on taxes and break stereotypes about its significance in community life.



Sayidkomil Ibodullaev is a Lecturer at International law and human rights department of TSUL. He has graduated from the University of Glasgow, Scotland and now is doing further research in international law. As an experienced Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition participant and lecturer in international law, Sayidkomil will explain the concept of international law and change the perspectives which claim that it doesn't work.



Khumoyun Soyipov is a Lecturer at Administrative and Financial Law Department of TSUL who previously worked as a Deputy Lawyer of the Tashkent office of Duan & Duan International Law Firm, which is one of the top 20 Chinese law firms with more than 1,000 active international lawyers. Khumoyun is hopeful to change people's perspective on administrative law and break stereotypes about its significance in community life. During his speech he aims to highlight relationship between administrative and other spheres of law.



In a variety of societal arenas, Tashkent State University of Law professors and lecturers express their legal stances and opinions as legal authorities.


Khayitjon Turdiev took part in the session of the Constitutional Court as an expert

Jahongir Bokiev - a lecturer of TSUL, expert | Amendments to the Constitution: the legal basis for the status of teachers.

Khayitjon Turdiev took part in the session of the Constitutional Court as an expert

Interview 24 | Shokhzhakhon Khujaev - Head of Department, Tashkent State University of Law, expert

Studio 24 | Interview with an expert, Valisher Davlyatov - head of the department of Tashkent State University of Law, doctor of law\

Studio 24 | Conversation with Otabek Bobojonov, an expert, Dean of Tashkent State University of Law

Daler Valijonov took part as an expert in a class for students of the Eurasian School of Integration Law

Studio 24 | Vosit Ergashev - Professor, Tashkent State University of Law, member of the expert group under the Constitutional Commission

Bekzod Narimonov, head of the Department of Constitutional Law at Tashkent State University of Law, Doctor of Philosophy in Legal Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor Bekzod Narimonov and Professor Ihtiyor Bekov took part in the socio-political project "Xalqdan savol" as experts

Bekzod Narimonov, the head of the department of TSUL, and Professor of TSUL Omonulla Mukhammedjanov took part as experts in the program "Konstitutsiyaviy islohotlar - huquq va erkinliklar kafolati" on TV channel "Yoshlar"

Interview 24 | Ikhtiyor Bekov - Professor of Tashkent State University of Law, member of the expert group under the Constitutional Commission