Universitet Ta'lim Ilmiy-innovatsion faoliyat
Xalqaro faoliyat Talabalar hayoti Qabul 2024 SDG
English Русский
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Sunnatov Vohid Toshmurodovich


Mansab soxtalik bilan bog'liq jinoyatlarning obyektiv tomonining xususiyatlari

Mansab soxtakorligi jinoyatini tasniflash masalalari

The crime of career fraud is one of the crimes that negatively affect the activities of the state and is committed by officials using their official powers, and is included in the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan as a separate article. These are the problems in the qualification of this crime that we observe in practice today. In addition to highlighting the problems that exist in this article, we can see that the author has scientifically substantiated the problems related to the qualification of such crimes and put forward suggestions and recommendations.