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Oʼzbekcha Русский
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Shamsitdinova Manzuraxon Gopporovna



The article is about Intercultural communication–a dialogue, carried out in conditions of such significant cultural differences due to the communicative competence of its members that these differences significantly affect the success or failure of communicative events.

the article is devoted to the research of some methodological and linguistic issues of integrating the four skills in teaching English to non-philological students. There have been considered some foreign researchers’ approaches to this question in teaching process.

Статья посвящена исследованию некоторых методологических и лингвистических вопросов интеграции четырех навыков в обучении английскому языку студентов-нефилологов. Рассмотрены подходы некоторых зарубежных исследователей к этому вопросу в учебном процессе.

Difficulties In Teaching Law Students Listening Comprehension In English Language Teaching

This article discusses the challenges of teaching English listening comprehension to law students and how to overcome them. Law students face some language challenges due to the nature of the English language. That is, students in the early stages of learning are the first to experience the ability to listen and understand. Therefore, it is worth considering the learning difficulties that may arise from the nature of the English language in terms of listening skills. In this article, we want to look at the most common, basic difficulties in listening to and understanding English speech. Although getting acquainted with the difficulties of listening to a speech can increase your preparedness for the confusion and misunderstandings that can occur in the learning process, we would like to draw your attention to the following difficulties mentioned by most law students.


This article considers the problems of teaching English vocabulary for specific purposes. The author reveals theoretical questions and suggests some practical activities

Methods of Teaching Listening Comprehension in ESP Classes

This article discusses methods of teaching listening comprehension in ESP classes. At the heart of successful teaching listening in senior years is the use of a bank of tasks, in the preparation of which the place of listening in the educational process, the purpose and type of listening in accordance with the objectives of the educational process are taken into account. Due to the high proportion of students’ independent work, including on listening, the task bank should be provided with detailed recommendations and instructions (Listening guide) for performing this type of work.

To the Review of Difficulties in Teaching Listening Comprehension to Law Students in English Classes.

The article deals with the issue of developing students’ listening competences in the process of learning the English language at Law University. The author argues that little has been done by national researchers in this direction. In the article the works of some foreign scholars’ have been considered. Some linguistic and extralinguistic difficulties in listening comprehension are analyzed and provided by examples in English-Uzbek.

Creation and Use of Teaching Electronic Multimedia Books when Teaching Languages to Learners and Students in the Republic of Uzbekistan

 The article deals with the planning, creation and use of multimedia books in the educational process. 
The authors argue that the use of electronic resources in the process of learning foreign languages greatly stimulates the development of speech, and most importantly - affects the initiative of learners and students, contributes to their active participation and increases interest in learning the language.