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Oʼzbekcha Русский
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Ro‘zibaeva Nigoraxon Raximovna


Peculiarities of the antithesis in the literary text

The article deals with the issues related to lexical-semantic analysis of the antithesis, its structural and functional classification based on the study of examples of English-and Uzbek language literature. The main role of the antithesis, as a stylistic figure, is to put concepts in a relationship of contrast. The author analyzed views of scientists on the lexical-semantic analysis of the antithesis and presented examples from literary works and reflected them in the article. 

Essential problems of involving parents in the language learning of their children

The paper begins by an analysis of the roles parents play in the language learning of their children. Some suggestions are the made on how teachers may help parents to have a positive impact on their children’s learning a foreign language in the classes.

Extralinguistic features of antithesis in uzbek and english literary texts

Статья посвящена прагматическому анализу стилистического приема

–антитеза на основе

художественных текстов на английском и узбекском языках.Антитеза-это стилистический прием, который создается путем представления слов с противоположным значением. Его положение в основном встречается в художественных текстах,

которые очень важны для

тщательного изучения. В статье проводится сравнительный анализ употребления антитеза и

его  прагматического аспекта на  примере

отрывков из английских  и  узбекских художественных текстов.