Electronic information libraries of TSUL and law colleges will be connected to a single platform
The rector of the Tashkent State University of Law, Rakhimjon Khakimov, visited the law college of the Bukhara region.
During the visit, the rector got acquainted with the educational, research, spiritual work of the educational institution; saw the student dormitory, the Information Resource Center, the state of the material and technical support of the gym, and also met with the teachers and students of the technical school.
During the meeting, issues of improving the quality of education at the technical school were discussed, opinions and proposals of the participants were heard. The rector was instructed to re-equip the students' dormitory based on modern projects, to connect the electronic information library of the technical school and the electronic information library of the Tashkent State University of Law to a single electronic platform.
During the event, R.Khakimov answered questions of interest from students of the technical school.