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Some benefits granted to young people by law

The Labor Code establishes special guarantees for young people, including that working hours for those between the ages of 16 and 18 must not exceed 36 hours per week.

Active students in social affairs who have completed military service and are under contract are paid 35 percent of the amount of tuition fee.

Educational loan is provided to students studying on fee basis.

A new system of work with youth problems - "Yoshlar daftari" was launched.

Disabled family members on the "Yoshlar daftari" will be assisted with 5 times the ROB to purchase medications, wheelchairs, hearing aids, and orthopedic devices.

A subsidy of up to 15 million UZS is provided to cover the costs of education, accommodation, and transportation for young people with disabilities.

Presidential stipends have been introduced for 200 young people with the highest scores at admission to state institutions of higher education.

Active young people in social affairs are granted privileges when entering higher educational institutions.

Twenty types of assistance are provided to young people based on the recommendations of youth leaders in Mahalla.

Some young people are exempted from paying for participation in test examinations when entering institutions of higher education.

Under the "Moziyiga Sayohat" program, persons included in the "Yoshlar daftari" can visit state museums for free.

Conditions will be created for young compatriots abroad to work in ministries, departments, and organizations.


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