As part of the grant project "Establishing a Legal Clinic to Assist in Solving Problems of Youth in the At-Risk Social Group," the event was organized by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan in collaboration with Tashkent State University of Law at Educational Colony No. 24, located in the Bogzor settlement of Zangiata District, Tashkent Region. The event was attended by faculty members of TSUL, the representatives of the colony, and the residents.
During the meeting, members of the grant team delivered lectures: Acting Associate Professor of the Department of General Education Disciplines and Culture at TSUL, Rakhmon Qo‘chqorov, presented on "Prevention of Immorality and Other Vices Among Unorganized Youth: Problems and Solutions." The Head of the TSUL Legal Clinic, Doctor of Law, Professor Otabek Narziev, discussed "The Importance of Legal Clinic Activities in Preventing Offenses Among Youth." Associate Professor of the Department of Courts, Law Enforcement, and Advocacy at TSUL, Dilshodbek Nurumov, addressed "Current Issues in the Prevention of Juvenile Offenses and Crime." Senior Lecturer of the Department of General Education Disciplines and Culture at TSUL, PhD Shohjahon Toshpo‘lotov, presented on "Relevant Issues in Utilizing International Practices in Working with At-Risk Youth."
During the event, a social survey was conducted among the residents. In addition, the colony residents had the opportunity to receive answers to their questions from specialists.