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Admission to the academic lyceum under TSUL will begin on June 20

As you know the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On additional measures for cardinal improvement of legal education and science in the Republic of Uzbekistan" and the resolution "On measures for improvement of the system of selection of talented youths and academic lyceums" defines the tasks of increasing the quality of the educational process by ensuring the "lyceum - university" education continuity and improving the process of admission to the lyceum.

According to the Regulation on the procedure of testing for admission to the academic lyceum under Tashkent State University of Law approved by the decision of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the State testing center under the Cabinet of Ministers, the admission of 9th-grade graduates to the academic lyceum under Tashkent State University of Law for the 2022/2023 academic year is carried out by testing in the order established by State Test Center. Examinations will be conducted in high-capacity buildings based on the principles of openness and transparency.

Applicants' documents will be accepted from June 20 to July 10 (inclusive), to participate in the tests applicants must register through the official website of State Test Center.

Entrance examinations to the academic lyceum under Tashkent State University of Law are conducted in the following two blocks in the direction of "Social Sciences and Humanities - 2":
- Part I - 2 core subjects in the chosen direction:
the first - legal subjects taught in the 8th and 9th grades of general education schools (Basics of State and Law);
Part II - foreign languages taught up to 9th grade in general education schools.
- Part II - IQ Test.

Currently, there is a call center for the convenience of applicants and their parents who want to study in the academic lyceum under TSUL and for quick answers to their questions.

Applicants and their parents can apply to the call center by phone and get answers to their questions:
- for inquiries in Uzbek: +99871-241-72-44
- for inquiries in Russian: +99871-241-75-54
- for inquiries in English: +99871-241-57-44

The admission process will also be covered on the academic lyceum's Telegram channel.
You can join the channel at the following link:


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