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A meeting was held with representatives from the Human Resources Department of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan

The meeting, organized as part of Career Day, was attended by Oybek Sultonov, Deputy Head of the Human Resources Department of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Junior Advisor to Justice and Akhror Khashimkhanov, First Vice-Rector for Youth Affairs and Spiritual-Enlightenment Work at Tashkent State University of Law, staff from the Employment (Career) Department, as well as university students.

During the event, detailed information was provided about the Prosecutor's Office system and its activities, the requirements for candidates wishing to work in the Prosecutor's Office, the recruitment process, conditions created for employees, social guarantees, and the procedure for joining the Future Prosecutors' Club.

Additionally, the book "Tarixiy xotira beqiyos", which received the XVIII National Award "Oltin Qalam" in the category "Best Book in the Publicistic Genre," was presented during the meeting.

Throughout the event, students' questions regarding employment in the Prosecutor's Office and opportunities for professional growth were answered in detail, along with valuable advice.


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