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An international scientific and practical conference on “Uzbekistan and the WTO: shaping future trade policy” was held at Tashkent State University of Law

The conference, organized by the Department of International Law and Human Rights as part of the implementation of "Strategy of Uzbekistan 2030", brought together leading experts from Uzbekistan and foreign universities, including the University of Glasgow (UK), Nagoya University of Economics (Japan), Yokohama National University (Japan), and the University of Liverpool (UK), as well as the Chamber for the Protection of Copyrights of Art Workers, Creative Figures, and Performers.

During the event, participants discussed key challenges and opportunities for Uzbekistan on the path to joining the World Trade Organization (WTO), as well as ways to adapt the legislation and economic policies to international standards. The conference highlighted the importance of Uzbekistan’s participation in the WTO for sustainable economic growth and increased competitiveness in global markets. Participants also noted the need for further modernization of the national trade system and strengthening of international cooperation.

Following the conference, a collection of materials, including speeches and discussions, is planned to be published. Those interested may submit their works (articles) to the lecturer of the Department of International Law and Human Rights, Tillaboev Shohruhbek, via the Telegram address by September 20.



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