University Education Scientific and innovative activity
International relations Student life Admission 2024 SDG
Oʼzbekcha Русский
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The contest "Employment Law through the eyes of youth" will be held

In collaboration with the Federation of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan and Tashkent State University of Law, this contest aims to raise the legal culture of university students, promote the essence of international and national labor standards among them, and contribute to the upbringing of a generation with an active civic stance. Students from all higher education institutions across the country can participate in this contest.

The selection stage of the contest will begin on September 23, and participants must answer Employment law-related tests on the website by September 31.

During the national stage of the contest, the students' knowledge will be evaluated through a direct interview conducted by the contest commission.

The student who will get first place in the "Employment Law through the eyes of youth" contest will have their tuition fees covered for one year, the second-place winner for a semester, and the third-place winner will receive a laptop.