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The article written by the teachers of the Department of Uzbek Language and Literature at Tashkent State University of Law has been indexed in the Scopus Q1 journal

The article, titled "Use of Pedagogical Technologies in Language Teaching," was authored by professors from the Department of Uzbek Language and Literature at Tashkent State University of Law and has been indexed in the Scopus Q1 journal.

The article, written by the aouthors by Professor G. Guliamova, Associate Professors Sh. Ziyamukhamedova, D. Rasulmukhamedova, and U. Pulatova, covers nearly all topics of the module "Pedagogical Technologies in Teaching Legal Subjects", which is taught for all master's degree programs.

Specifically, the article provides information about innovations in the use of advanced technologies and strategies of modern pedagogy.

The article focuses on contemporary pedagogical technologies in language teaching.

The article can be accessed at the following link:



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