As part of the project “Socio-Economic Inclusion of Youth in Need of Social Protection, Youth in Difficult Situations, and Youth with Disabilities”, a roundtable discussion was held at the Youth Creativity Palace on the topic “Specialized Volunteering — An Important Resource for State and Public Institutions in the Social Sphere.”
The event brought together representatives of government and private organizations, experts, and volunteers.
Discussions at the roundtable focused on the concept of specialized volunteering, its role in the social sphere, and its importance in addressing social issues within government institutions.
Professor Otabek Narziev, Doctor of Law and Head of the TSUL Legal Clinic, who is also a participant in the grant project “Establishing a Legal Clinic to Assist Youth at Social Risk”, shared insights into the Legal Clinic’s 25 years of experience in providing free legal assistance to the public. He emphasized the clinic’s key role in training highly qualified lawyers and promoting volunteerism among youth.
Additionally, Aigerim Aripbaeva, a TSUL Legal Clinic methodologist, shared her experience in organizing specialized volunteering within the clinic.
The roundtable also showcased the Legal Clinic’s efforts to raise legal awareness and culture among young people. A future plan was presented to create a specialized legal clinic as part of the “Establishing a Legal Clinic to Assist Youth at Social Risk” project. The project includes setting up a special call center that will expand opportunities for providing free legal assistance to youth and promoting volunteer activities.
During the event, UN Volunteer Program Specialist Mirsaid Uzokov presented the TSUL Legal Clinic with the book “Overview of Volunteering in Central Asia”, which highlights the clinic’s activities, marking international recognition of its work.
As part of the roundtable, a project fair was also organized, where the achievements of the TSUL Legal Clinic were showcased.