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Defense of the doctoral dissertation (Ph.D.)

At the meeting of the Scientific Seminar under the Scientific Council DSc.07/30.12.2019.Yu.22.02 of Tashkent State University of Law, which will be conducted on July 17 at 10:00 am (Zoom – ID: 847 1752 7385), will be a defense of thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) of independent researchers – Kosimov Botirjon Ma'rufjon ugli in the specialty 12.00.02 - Constitutional Law. Administrative Law. Financial and Customs Law on the theme "Issues of ensuring judicial independence in Uzbekistan and the United States of America: comparative legal analysis" and Makhmudov Firuz Bakhtiyar ugli in the specialty 12.00.02 - Constitutional Law. Administrative Law. Financial and Customs Law on "Organizational-legal mechanisms for preventing Conflict of interest in Public civil service".